How To Prevent and Treat Thigh Chafing

Thigh Chafing Prevention and Treatment | Zone Naturals

What Causes Thigh Chafing?

When you walk or run, the skin on the inside of your thighs may rub together, creating friction. Friction can cause damage to the skin, resulting in pain and irritation. Chafing can also occur because of friction between the skin of your thighs and your clothing. For example, large seams can cause friction when they rub up against your skin. The longer you move, the more likely thigh chafing is to occur.

Moisture does not cause chafing but it can make it worse by causing the skin to soften, making it more vulnerable to the forces of friction. Therefore, you may be more likely to experience chafing during the summer, when the air is usually more humid and you are sweating more because of higher temperatures.

However, chafing can occur during all times of the year. Any time that you are active, you may be at risk. Physical exertion causes you to sweat no matter the temperature outside, which may exacerbate thigh chafing even during the winter.

What Are the Symptoms of Chafed Thighs?

Thigh chafing is usually characterized by redness accompanied by a painful burning sensation. Skin irritation can resemble a rash. Sometimes a boil or a raised lesion that resembles a blister will form. If friction on the chafed area persists, it can start to bleed. Chafed skin may be tender and feel warm to the touch. Either or both of your thighs may be affected, and one side may be more symptomatic than the other.

 Eventually, a scab can form over the chafe mark as it heals. This scab should fall off in a few days if it occurs.. However, it may take several weeks for thigh chafing to heal completely, during which time you should continue to try to protect it from friction.

Damage to the skin from thigh chafing can put you at risk for infection if not treated.

You may start to feel the pain and burning from chafing before any other symptoms appear, If possible, you should stop the activity immediately and avoid it until the chafing heals. It may be possible to substitute another activity that does not provoke your symptoms.

However, sometimes chafing is caused by a daily activity, such as walking. It can occur in people of any gender, any age or any body type.  Because it would be impractical to stop this activity altogether, you need to find other ways to protect the symptomatic area. Take preventative measures and apply our all-natural Chub Rub before you begin your activity

As soon as possible at the early signs of chafing, you should change into clean, dry clothing. Choose clothing that keeps you comfortable and does not exacerbate your symptoms.

To prevent infection, use lukewarm water and a gentle body wash to cleanse the area. Dry thoroughly by patting it gently, as rubbing may make chafing worse. If chafing persists, or if you have symptoms such as bleeding, crusting, swelling, or extreme pain, you should see a doctor, who may recommend a medicated ointment.

How Can You Prevent Thighs From Chafing?

You can prevent chafing while participating in your usual activities by taking steps to control moisture and prevent friction. Complications of chafing can occur when you least expect them. Applying Chub Rub prior to your activity will help to prevent chafing.

Preventing Friction

The clothing that you wear has a lot to do with preventing friction. When you are at rest, you should choose loose, breathable clothing that is non-constrictive. However, during physical activity, it is better to choose compressive clothing that moves with you to prevent chafing. Cotton fabric retains moisture, so you should choose clothing made of a breathable synthetic material, preferably without prominent seams.

Applying Chub Rub to your inner thighs helps to reduce friction by allowing them to glide against one another rather than rubbing. Our natural ingredients not only help prevent chafing by reducing friction but also treat it if it does occur.

How Do Natural Ingredients Help Treat and Prevent Chafing?

Natural ingredients in our Chub Rub anti-chafe stick include shea butter, coconut oil, and aloe vera. Each has soothing properties that help to treat chafing as well as friction-reducing capabilities to help prevent it.

Shea Butter

Shea butter comes from the nuts of the West African shea tree. Research has shown that it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the symptoms of chafing. It can also help nourish damaged skin with fatty acids.

Coconut Oil

Solid at room temperature, coconut oil melts at a temperature of approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit. However, as either a liquid or a solid, it can help with wound healing when applied to the skin by reducing inflammation and killing off bacteria.

Aloe Vera

The naturally occurring gel found in the leaves of the succulent aloe vera plant has been used for centuries to reduce inflammation and irritation related to minor burns and other superficial skin injuries.

Trust Zone Naturals for Treatment and Prevention of Thigh Chafing

No matter your size, shape or activity, staying active is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, thigh chafing can interfere with physical activity. We are a company closely allied with and dedicated to the plus-size community, dedicated to meeting your needs. Shop our selection of all-natural anti-chafing products.

